Weekly Recipe: Taco Marinade


Ok, so feel free to use whatever cut of meat you prefer, we typically use skirt steak but sometimes we get fancy and I will marinate a whole tri-tip with this - it works on whatever you prefer and it is super simple.

First, salt and pepper your meat, then add equal parts cumin and paprika.

Don’t be stingy, I would add at least a tablespoon of each for a skirt steak and double that for a bigger cut. Then add in a drizzle of olive oil on each side and the juice of one whole lime. Rub it in well, and let it marinate until you are ready to cook and I promise your tacos will be to die for. 

*pro-tip* As we get closer to summer, if you want to be really fun, throw some pineapple on the grill to use on your tacos, the flavor will perfectly compliment this marinade.

And as always, don’t forget to look for joy. It will always be there when you need it. 


Oaxaca Old Fashioned


Weekly Recipe: Pickling Things.